Let's face it: being a devoted reader is mostly a joy (when it isn't soul-crushing sadness and blinding rage, that is). If it weren't, we wouldn't be doing it - or we might, in a completely masochistic sort of way, but even then we wouldn't shriek about it as loudly as we do.
We fall in love with series, characters, authors, quotes, worlds. We live, as a wiser and more sadistic person than us has said, a thousand lives. And in those thousand lives, there are moments and situations which make all the aforementioned despair and character-homicidal-tendencies worth it.
These are those moments. (And this is the time of year chockful of anticipated releases, when all listed moments + tears + roars will take place.) This topic, for instance, was covered by most bloggers last week. We, meanwhile, were assaulted by bookish feels of the Stiefvater persuasion and spent the week experiencing all of the ten instances listed below - and then some.
We fall in love with series, characters, authors, quotes, worlds. We live, as a wiser and more sadistic person than us has said, a thousand lives. And in those thousand lives, there are moments and situations which make all the aforementioned despair and character-homicidal-tendencies worth it.
These are those moments. (And this is the time of year chockful of anticipated releases, when all listed moments + tears + roars will take place.) This topic, for instance, was covered by most bloggers last week. We, meanwhile, were assaulted by bookish feels of the Stiefvater persuasion and spent the week experiencing all of the ten instances listed below - and then some.

1. Layers, nuance, subtext
Picked by: Lexie
The thing about books is -
eventually they must come to an end. (Unless you drag one out forever. In which
case, kudos to your willpower - or, alternatively, a sad shake of the head at
the utter lack of substance for the book in question.) With most
straightforward, entertainment-only books, a re-read can only offer so much.
But then there are books with layers and subtext and a whole new story between
the lines - and those are a little bit eternal. Ten re-reads later, and still
you haven't gleaned all the book has to offer. These books are basically heaven
contained within the covers. (Magic! Sorcery, I say!)
2. Finding a new book boyfriend
Picked by: Natalie
Oh no... oh god... I feel it...
I-I think I'm in love again for the 60th time. LET ME LOVE YOU! Well,
let's just add him to the list of book boyfriends, as I'm not ashamed of being
a book slut. These fictional men, how are they so perfect? I know why. They're
not real and they're usually not human. That's how we like our men!
3. Chancing upon a story idea
Picked by: Lexie
In general, being hit is
unpleasant. Whoever went through years of P.E. probably knows what I mean, even
if they're a complete and utter pacifist. (Those volleyballs hurt.) But
the one instance where being hit is a little bit similar to falling in love is when the
object is an idea for a story you could write and join the ranks of your
favorite authors in creating worlds and characters and intricate
dynamics. One minute you're showering/running/reading/blasting music, and the
next... *a heavenly choir crescendos in the background*
4. Your friend reading your favourite books - and loving them
Picked by: Natalie
It's always a risky thing,
recommending books to your friends (especially when they're not a big reader).
But in those moments when they actually enjoy - sometimes even obsess over-
the book in question, it's as if you just won a marathon. Such accomplishment
and happiness!
5. Accurately summing up what a
book means to you
Picked by: Lexie
It is a truth universally
acknowledged that summing up what our favorite books mean to us is
incredibly hard. We're book reviewers ourselves, and still it feels
like it's easier to propose to someone than accurately describe the exact
reasons behind our reverence of a book/series. On rare occasions, however,
stars align perfectly and we manage to phrase our feelings in such a way that
it does a book justice, and - especially if it's in review form - it's
6. Seeing someone in public reading your favourite book/series
Picked by: Natalie
*creeps over their shoulder* are
they at that part yet? Have they met __ yet? Will they answer if I ask? I need
to re-read this asap. LET ME JUST SIT ON THEIR LAP! #newbff
7. Marrying a perfect book with a perfect atmosphere
Picked by: Lexie
For some, a mood reader means
reading whatever you're in the mood for. For others, myself included, it means
being on a perpetual hunt for the right atmosphere whilst reading. A
close-quarters horror story doesn't always work on summer festival campgrounds.
An uplifting middle-grade adventure may not work on a particularly gloomy and
contemplative day. And then there are those days - the ones which
find you in a perfect spot with just enough time and the right atmosphere to
read that perfect book. And it's - you guessed it - perfect.
8. Discovering a new favourite series
Picked by: Natalie
It's a good and a bad thing. Not
only is it amazing to find a new series to become obsessed with, but it's also
a new series to become obsessed with. Yeah, it'll ruin me. I'll have a book
hangover and endure more tears and feels, buy more merch, fangirl and order the
whole series. Can I go through this all over again? I must. It's too
9. Strongly identifying with a character
Picked by: Lexie
Characters aren't often
relatable, but usually authors endeavor to make them so. At least to some
extent. Even when likability goes right out the window, a relatability factor
still remains. But sometimes, a character's thoughts and actions aren't merely
understandable - they're our twin, our soulmate, our alter ego, our
long-lost sibling, our patronus, our mirror image, they're us and they must be
protected at all costs and/or subdued because our soul (and theirs, by
extension) is so dark and twisted and wonderfully delicious. (... Is that
latter part just me? Okay, then.)
10. Walking into a bookshop/library
Picked by: Natalie
Even just walking in there,
smelling the books, touching the books, being among the books... heaven. That's
my ideal place to be!

What brings out the inner bookdragon in you? What have your favorite bookish situations been? And can you relate to any of ours? (You know you can. Don't even attempt to deny it.) Leave us a comment below and let us know!
I LOVE YOUR LIST. YOU ARE BOTH SPOT ON WITH THIS CONGLOMERATION OF BOOKISH FEELS AND DELIGHTS. I particularly loooooove #9. It barely ever happens to me?? Like honestly MAYBE 1 book out of 100 or something. XD But when it does that book just because my most precious little papery best friend and I HUG IT FOREVER AND OBSESS OVER IT CONSTANTLY. *shrieks*
ReplyDeleteAnd I do so so love walking into a library. POSSIBILITIES. Everything is there and caaaalling to you. *pets books* I, however, hate walking into bookshops because I WANT EVERYTHING and I can't have it. xD Torture.
YES TO ALL OF THESE. There's nothing better then your friend reading and loving your favorite book. And discovering an amazing new series always makes me so excited. And I think that's what I love so much about complex, layered books: you can read them over and over again and each time you'll notice something you didn't notice the first time you read it. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post! <3
ReplyDeleteOMG YES. And finding a book idea from a...well, from a book is AMAZING. And this is going to sound really lame but walking into a bookshop kind of makes me feel safe. Like I know nothing bad could EVER possibly happen <3 <3
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