Hello fellow book friends!

We're sorry that we've been MIA for the last month or so, but this really annoying thing called life got in the way. Not sure how aware you are but we're both students at university so that has sucked our life up and we're slowly getting our reading life back. Also work, family and other things have come up but we're still alive - barely! Just a bit disheveled. 

As time goes on, we'll be updating as much as we can and hope you can forgive us for being so tardy with updating the blog. We'll get there! Barely had time to read lately but that's changing. Some book reviews are to be expected in the next few days. (I also blame my constant reading slump for my lack of activity and reading....dammit, RS! Monsieur Reading Slump has had his claws in me for a while now but I've shaken him off. Git.)

Definitely missed blogging and book chatting with you guys and I see more fangirling in our future. Hoping you're well, that you've been reading some amazing stories and receive a ton of books this holiday season! Recommendations are always welcome too, so feel free to drop a message below!

Happy Holidays!