Well, I'm a lucky girl. I went onto the Waterstones website a few months ago and purchased a ticket to attend a book signing in London, which is always fun. Oh, and, y'know... to meet author Sarah J. Maas. *squee* The day finally came! I know she's promoting A Court Of Thorns And Roses (which I'm reading and loving right now), so I wasn't sure if she'd sign anything else, but I took my copy of Throne of Glass with me just in case, then headed down to London.
So, I finally found the correct Waterstones, because London. It confuses the poop out of me. It was lots of asking and people telling me 'it's this way', 'it's not walking distance', 'get the tube' and sending me to the wrong Waterstones. Thanks, London. I realised I found the right one when I saw a few girls standing outside with Throne of Glass tote bags. So cool, those bags. After waiting an hour or so, we went inside and had to walk up many, many stairs to get to the seating area for Sarah's Q&A. Although people did push in the queue, which is always bothersome when you've been waiting, I got to the third row and had a pretty decent view.
I was offered refreshments, so I of course opted for red wine.
I've been to a book signing before. I was incredibly lucky to attend a Colleen Hoover, K.A. Tucker, Jamie McGuire and Abbi Glines signing in 2013 in Toronto, but we didn't get wine. Ah, books and wine. They know me so well!
If this happens at all UK book signings, I'm definitely going to them more often. Thanks, Waterstones!
So, after a bit of waiting, I heard some people make a bit of noise, and I thought they were just fangirling about being there, the same as in in the queue outside. Nope. Sarah walked down the stairs. Sarah J. Maas was in the building!
She sat pretty much right in front of me and was so humble and calm, genuinely happy to be there. That's refreshing because sometimes authors seem to give off vibes that they're doing this because they feel they have to. Sarah was so funny, and adorable, and so smart and pretty. Why am I not her? She told us some really interesting and very useful tips for aspiring writers, and really gave us some cool facts and insights into the characters and storylines in the books she's written so far.
I loved hearing about her morning routine, and how she prepares for a day of writing. Her mornings are pretty much dedicated to eating (Brilliant!) before pretty much hibernating in her office and typing out a masterpiece. Not forgetting that she mentioned a whole shelf in her fridge dedicated to cheese, and I just have to say, me too, Sarah. Me too.
But hearing about the life of an author is always fascinating, it's the life I'd love to live. She had so many funny stories and very useful tips for people who wish to write. I highly recommend you go to one of Sarah's signings - she truly is wonderful!
And not forgetting the times when, she'd talk about a book or a character, then making my heart nearly fall out my arse when she adds 'if they survive' at the end. That scares me! My poor little bookish heart can't take it!
I loved hearing about her morning routine, and how she prepares for a day of writing. Her mornings are pretty much dedicated to eating (Brilliant!) before pretty much hibernating in her office and typing out a masterpiece. Not forgetting that she mentioned a whole shelf in her fridge dedicated to cheese, and I just have to say, me too, Sarah. Me too.
But hearing about the life of an author is always fascinating, it's the life I'd love to live. She had so many funny stories and very useful tips for people who wish to write. I highly recommend you go to one of Sarah's signings - she truly is wonderful!
And not forgetting the times when, she'd talk about a book or a character, then making my heart nearly fall out my arse when she adds 'if they survive' at the end. That scares me! My poor little bookish heart can't take it!
Look how close I was! Anyway, after a good old Q&A and some fascinating and elaborate answers from Sarah, it was time for the audience's questions. And they asked some really good ones. I've just finished university for the year, so I have more time to read, which means the time to dive into A Court of Thorn and Roses is upon me now. I'm about eleven chapters in and I tried so hard to not get spoiled. It wasn't easy! I managed it, though, which I'm surprised about considering there were two girls behind me saying 'I liked the scene when...' Nooooooo!
So it was the time for the signing, and at this point, I was sweating buckets and had shaky legs. I get more nervous around authors than celebrities. I was more nervous meeting Sarah and Colleen Hoover than seeing Brad Pitt at the Toronto Film Festival. Yup.
The queues were long, and there was a lot of waiting, but it was all worth it in the end. I was able to meet Sarah, after having many girls in front of me holding STACKS of books - and in one case, a suitcase. Yes, a suitcase! So, it's my time to come face to face with her, I have my copy of Throne of Glass and Assassin's Blade (I only brought Throne of Glass as I didn't think she'd sign my whole set of books. I was wrong. For future reference, always bring it all.) So I purchased Assassins Blade because I didn't have it. She signed them both. Yay!
I also got a dedication, as you get one each. My co-blogger is a big fan of Sarah J. Maas, and living in Serbia doesn't give you many opportunities to meet authors or even get books in English. So I used mine so she could get a special signature. I can say, when I told her, she was very pleased!
I was shaking and so completely scared, I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say much. Of course that would happen.
Something Sarah does is really sweet, she has an old hardback copy of Throne of Glass that she brings with her to every signing. She has her fans sign it and write messages, which I think is lovely!

I'd definitely do this if I were an author. So there you have it! I'll share with you my signed books. I feel very lucky!

Have you been to any book signings lately? Or maybe even met Sarah? Let us know! We'd love to hear about your experiences (and get jealous)! Not many authors come to Europe as a lot of our favourites live in the States, so we know you all have some stories. So leave us a comment below or find us on social media:
I've just discovered this blog and it's great! I'm SO JEALOUS that you got to meet Sarah. She's my favorite author and I've read all her books at least twice. My favorite one is Queen of Shadows. I've never been to a book signing in my life because I live at the top of a mountain in Switzerland, about two hours away from a decent town. There isn't even a bookshop here so mum and dad bought me a Kindle. It is my salvation. I can't go anywhere without it.
ReplyDeleteHave you recently attended any book signings? maybe even got to know Sarah? Inform us! We'd be interested in hearing about your experiences (and envious)! Since many of our favorite authors reside in the United States, few authors travel to Europe, but we know you all have some tales to share. So please comment below or connect with us on social media:
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