As has been a long-standing end-of-the-year tradition in the blogosphere, at the end of the year we share our favorites. Around these parts, the favorites are usually confined to books, quotes, characters and such things as we can easily devour - and encourage others to devour in turn. (Books are delicious , my frien…
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Showing posts from December, 2016Show All
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a reader stuck in 2016 must be in want of a book. True story. The world at large doesn't agree on much, but when it comes to the past year, a great many of us can agree that it came a little bit short of ideal. But we are bookworms, bookdragons and book fiends ali…
Read moreHello fellow book friends! We're sorry that we've been MIA for the last month or so, but this really annoying thing called life got in the way. Not sure how aware you are but we're both students at university so that has sucked our life up and we're slowly getting our reading life back. Also …
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