Once upon a time, before we were the dazzling, sociable, and all-around communicative blog that we are today, we were... not. You remember the time - when you blogged for yourself and flailed in an ocean all by yourself and somewhere, you heard, there's a Titanic's worth of floating people, as well ( too soon…
Read moreAh, the TBR pile. The never ending abyss of books that you can't stop chucking books into despite the perils that come with diving in to retrieve them. It's both our eternal fear (chances are any day it topples and crushes us to death, as bookworms worldwide have agreed), and our greatest challenge. Apart…
Read moreA surefire sign November has come around: a not so subtle wave of NaNoWriMo spam across the board: NaNoWriMo on social media, NaNoWriMo in videos, and NaNoWriMo right here on the blog. We'd apologize, except NaNoWriMo has a long-established tradition of eating our souls. Blogging about it, as it turns out, see…
Read moreIn the words of one wiser and cooler than myself - "It is the first day of November and so, today, someone will die." (Yes, it's Maggie Stiefvater. No one is surprised.) Apart from a deadly race atop demonic horses in The Scorpio Races , November 1st also marks another deadly race against time by wa…
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