One lonesome night two weeks ago found us drafting lists and drawing charts without a faintest clue on how to encompass everything that 2015 has been in a single post. We've found new bookish favorites (so much so that joining Tumblr was involved), we've suffered through mishaps-made-print. We've had blogging slumps, and then we met amazing bloggers who inspired us for months on end. We are creatures of contrasts! You name it, we've done it. So how, pray, does one fit that into a post?
Along comes one of the aforementioned amazing bloggers. And along comes this very post. (Thanks a million to Jamie over at The Perpetual Page Turner for putting this together. We'd be flailing without you, and it's not a very pretty sight. And thanks a million to Cait @ Paper Fury, for introducing us to Jamie. And structure. And half of Lexie's read list this year.)
Without further ado... 'tis gonna be a long one.

Number Of Books We Read
Genre We Read The Most From
I knew that fantasy would take the pie for me.
(Pie chart! Get it? Get it? I will proceed to not now.) I also knew that I took my time
catching up with some less-known older dystopian and paranormal reads. The only
surprise, really, was the amount of contemporary. But given that I break up my
fantasy hangovers with contemporaries, this is perhaps not as weird as it
originally seemed to me.
God, what a mess of a year. I'll admit, my reading habits were all over the place in 2015, and I will say this - I can explain the large amount of ridiculous adult romance books. I got sent ARC's this year from a publisher who didn't really listen to what we said we read, but I read them anyway out of kindness. They've been sending me free books, I might as well try and read some. Well....I won't be doing that this year.
I had a bit of a tough year with reading last year, I tended to pick up books that were either too slow or I found weren't my cup of tea. It's a shame, but this year will be different. I intend to read books that have had extensive research and I know I'll enjoy.
I had a bit of a tough year with reading last year, I tended to pick up books that were either too slow or I found weren't my cup of tea. It's a shame, but this year will be different. I intend to read books that have had extensive research and I know I'll enjoy.

1. Best Book You Read
In 2015?
We've done a whole post about our favorites a
few weeks back. We are in love and recommend them all. You may read the post here.
Fangirling and hearty recommendations ensue.
2. Book You Were
Excited About & Thought You Were Going To Love More But Didn’t?
Lexie: My #1 pick for this is definitely A Girl
At Midnight. There's a fine line between being a book for fans of Daughter of Smoke and
Bone and being
Daughter of Smoke and Bone. And I felt like the plot stumbled across that
line with all the grace of ten-long-island-ice-teas-later. Not all the pretty
writing in the world could save it in my eyes. But there are runners-up, too.
Boy, are there ever runners-up.

Natalie: Confess by Colleen Hoover. I've been a fangirl of hers for a long
time, so when I learned she was releasing two books this year, I was super
I can honestly say, I didn't even get a quarter of the way in. Really didn't like it. I'm disappointed, and as November Nine has also let me down, I'm worried about her future books and my loyalty to her as a reader. We'll see.
My co-blogger was also very disappointed with this one. Shame really, her early work is very good!
I can honestly say, I didn't even get a quarter of the way in. Really didn't like it. I'm disappointed, and as November Nine has also let me down, I'm worried about her future books and my loyalty to her as a reader. We'll see.
My co-blogger was also very disappointed with this one. Shame really, her early work is very good!
3. Most surprising (in
a good way or bad way) book you read?
Natalie: P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han. Mine is 'in a bad way', as
I kind of expected more. I know a lot of people love this series, so I was so
excited to read book two. The first book is brilliant, but this one just fell
short. It was kind of pointless really. It just added drama and nothing
really happened that helped the plot. No thanks.
Lexie: For me, this one probably goes to Ready
Player One. Much as I thought I would (mildly) enjoy the book, I hadn't
expected for one moment to
ENJOY THIS BOOK, you know? I couldn't even manage a review for it. I was just
not up to the task. Also, a good part of my brain was still plugged into the
Oasis a good month after I was done with the book. Real life was but a pale
4. Book You “Pushed” The Most People To Read (And They Did)?
Lexie: Six of Crows! Six of Crows! (And the chanting
intensifies over time. Run while you can.) This is a statement in and of
itself, given that Leigh Bardugo's masterpiece new novel has only been out three
months. But I've reviewed it, I've photographed it, I've read and
re-read it, and it's kept me company on many a lonesome night.
Natalie: It's not a series or book that came
out in 2015, but it's what I made most of my friends to read. Yep, I pushed so
many people to read Harry
Potter. I mean, how have you not read it yet? Get with the times!
"I've seen the movies" just stop, no. Read the books! And I think
I've done well, some have bought the box set. I'll likely continue this year,
fingers crossed.
5. Best series you
started in 2015? Best Sequel of 2015? Best Series Ender of 2015?
Natalie: I'll go for 'series ender' and say Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi. Such a brilliant
series, and it ended on such an epic note. Damn. I loved it! It's a real
page-turner and the characters are freakin' amazing.
Lexie: The best series
I started:

Best series ender: Winter by Marissa Meyer
6. Favorite new author
you discovered in 2015?
Lexie: Sarah J. Maas.
Natalie: What she said. Queen Maas.
Lexie: But equally as much I'm thrilled to have discovered Jandy Nelson, Marissa Meyer, Ernest Cline and Patrick Rothfuss. Hats off to each and every single one of these beautiful humans. I intend to devour their books with about the equal gusto with which I devour coffee. Or Nutella. Or any combination thereof. Which is serendipitous, because those make excellent reading companions to any one of these books.
7. Best book from
a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone?
Natalie: I never really read Chick Lit before,
but I did get a few from my colleague, who is quite the fan. I found some good
ones, and my favourite would have to be Lucy
in the Sky by Paige Toon. So
fluffy and cute!
Lexie: Brown
Girl Dreaming was so far past my
comfort zone, it couldn't even spy it in the rearview mirror anymore (a historical non-fiction memoir - hello?!). All the
same, it was lovely and lovely. And lovely. And did I mention lovely? All hail
the comfort zone exit!
8. Most
action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year?
Lexie: Not that I had set out to do it, but I
read Heir of Fire in one sitting. Which, given its 600
pages, is probably all the statement I need to make. There's insanity, and then
there's insanity. This
was both.
Natalie: I know, I know, it's
a Sarah J. Maas book, but damn,
this was exciting! Now, as a slow reader, I read this unputdownable book, Queen of Shadows, so fast for
my slow-ass reading pace, so this was a no-brainer.
9. Book You Read In
2015 That You Are Most Likely To Re-Read Next Year?
Natalie: I'm sorry. Sarah again, but in preparation for A
Court of Mist and Fury, I'll
be re-reading the first book A
Court of Thorns and Roses for a recap. And it's not just an excuse...
Well, it might be. (I have no shame.)
Lexie: I hereby pledge to re-read Vicious by
V.E. Schwab (6)5 times in the next year. Alongside Six of Crows, Vicious is probably the closest to a
ubiquitous "Read it, everyone" recommendation on my part. So - READ
IT, EVERYONE. I'm always here for a (re)read-a-long if you want company.
10. Favorite cover of
a book you read in 2015?
Lexie: Made You Up feeds my current watercolor craze and I love it an
entirely inappropriate amount. (It's as good as its cover, too, if you're
wondering. And I am only 99,97% biased.)
Natalie: Although I wasn't too fond of the book, I was definitely sold on the cover. Yep, I judged The Sin Eaters
Daughter by
Melinda Salisbury by it's cover, and was sadly let down, but damn. Look at this gorgeous cover, man!
11. Most memorable
character of 2015?
Natalie: Rowan Whitethorn. Rowan Whitethorn.
Rowan Whitethorn. I'm not sure if you get what I'm trying to say but... Rowan
Whitethorn. Read Heir of Fire and meet him.
I'll definitely remember him *le
Lexie: Victor Vale from V.E. Schwab's Vicious marries my love of anti-heroes with a love of complex characters, moral dubiousness, and muuuuuuuuurder. So, you know. I don't mind Victor. I don't mind him so much that I haven't stopped dwelling on his predicament in Vicious since... since Vicious. More, please?
12. Most beautifully
written book read in 2015?
Lexie: I love Jandy
Nelson's style. I swear by Jandy
Nelson's style. I would love to marry Jandy
Nelson's writing style and ride off into the sunset together on a silver,
sparkly dragon. Anyone who can write art in a way that makes you see it is a
prime candidate for this question. So either book I've read by Jandy
Nelson this year qualifies. And I'm going with The
Sky Is Everywhere, because I alternated between sobbing and laughing,
because it was hysterical with a dollop of tragic, and because no one writes
poetry quite like Jandy Nelson. Or, rather, quite like John Lennon. (Read it and understand.)
Natalie: I was late onto the bandwagon, but I'd
say the Shatter Me series.
Tahereh Mafi has a wonderful way of storytelling, and I was loving how she told
us the story. I'm definitely looking forward to her next book in 2016.
13. Most
Thought-Provoking/ Life-Changing Book of 2015?
Natalie: For thought-provoking, I'm going to
state a book I didn't think I'd enjoy and ended up loving. I Was Here by Gayle Foreman. It's a story
about suicide, and it really does make you think about life, death and what happens
after you die (in a 'family and friends' way, not afterlife). It's not the kind of story I reach for, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd thought.
Lexie: I absolutely adore The
Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart. If it were humanly
possible to frame an entire book and still have it be readable, I just might
opt for that. It's
a game-changer on so many levels. Firstly
(and most subjectively) because it felt like a contemporary alternative to The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, which is my
favorite series. Secondly (and far more objectively) because the point it makes
on gender equality, on social status and on the-haves-vs.-the-have-nots
chasm by far exceeds what
I've come to expect of most YA contemporaries today.
14. Book you can’t
believe you waited UNTIL 2015 to finally read?
Lexie: I was almost literally the last person
in the blogosphere to read The
Fault In Our Stars. (I blame it on my Inner Chicken. It struts away
clucking in displeasure at the idea of suffering.) To my surprise, despite the
famed ending, I
found it to be quite an uplifting story. I guess I've finally learned my
lesson about assuming. Call me Donkey.

Natalie: I'd say the Shatter Me series. For a long time, I heard so many people praising the series and that it's their favourites with some amazing character like Warner (le sigh)
I'm so glad I did finally pick it up, it's absolutely bloody brilliant! I can't recommend it enough. I wish I'd read it sooner.
15. Favorite
Passage/Quote From A Book You Read In 2015?
Natalie: "Your hair is clean", spoken by Tamlin in A Court of Thorns and Roses. As in, this was a High Lord of the Spring Court's attempt at flirting. Always memorable for me!
“You look . . . better than before."
Was that a compliment? I could have sworn Lucien gave Tamlin an encouraging nod.
"And you hair is . . . clean.”
Check that out. And the encouraging nod always makes me smile. As if Lucien the master of flirting and Tamlin is his apprentice. I wrote a review of the book here if you're interested!
“You look . . . better than before."
Was that a compliment? I could have sworn Lucien gave Tamlin an encouraging nod.
"And you hair is . . . clean.”
Check that out. And the encouraging nod always makes me smile. As if Lucien the master of flirting and Tamlin is his apprentice. I wrote a review of the book here if you're interested!
Lexie: I'm really inappropriately fond of
Leigh Bardugo's "No
mourners, no funerals" from Six of Crows.
The adult reason is because goes such a long way of illustrating the sort of
society most of the protagonists are a part of (they use mourners and funerals in lieu of good luck!). The
inappropriately childish reason is because I've managed to get most of my
friends to use it in lieu of good luck, too, and because
muuuuuuurder. ❤
16. Shortest &
Longest Book You Read In 2015?
Lexie: My longest book was Oblivion by Jennifer L. Armentrout which,
in its ebook form, is a retelling of the first three Lux books and spans
a whopping 1003 pages. (I might have this particular achievement carved on my
tombstone.) My shortest was one of the writing craft books I routinely swallow
- Emotion
Amplifiers by Angela
Ackerman and Becca Puglisi at 72 pages.
Natalie: Shortest was Fracture Me by Tahereh Mafi at only 62 pages, and
the longest was (I'm sorry) Queen
of Shadows by Sarah J.
17. Book That Shocked
You The Most
(Because of a plot
twist, character death, left you hanging with your mouth wide open, etc.)
Natalie: This book left my mouth wide open in a
different way. I'm going to say Untamed by S.C. Stephens. I was really
looking forward to reading a story from Griffin's point of view, and it was
just... crap. It was so stupid at times, and the story was so over the top that
I was just shocked. If you're curious, there is a review I wrote of it.
Lexie: I was quite shocked by the direction
which Dead Ringer by
Jessie Rosen took. It isn't exactly that I didn't see it coming, it's more that
I expected it to take the path-more-traveled (and easier to maneuver), and
it... didn't. For
which I was ultimately thankful.
(you will go down with this ship!)
Lexie: I love how I'm expected to pick just one. I refuse to pick just one. In Six of Crows alone, I've developed three massive
OTPs. (Is it TTPs when it's three? Or just three TPs? Someone get on this.)
Natalie: Rowan Whitethorn + Me Aelin = Rowaelin. This ship is
sailing, and the salty shippers can take a back seat, yo. And I'm sure you know
by now which book series this is from, as I'm like a parrot and constantly
bringing it up.
19. Favorite
Non-Romantic Relationship Of The Year
Natalie: Tamlin and Lucien from A Court of Thorns and Roses.
These two and their "help" with Tamlin's 'trying to get the girl'
flirting. Seriously, you two both need some dating advice because 'your hair is
clean' ain't getting you anywhere, Tam. Well, actually...
Lexie: I've said this before and I'll say it
again (and again and again): contemporary YA with a heavy emphasis on family is
an endangered species in the wild and must be protected at all costs. Jude-and-Noah's
relationship in Jandy Nelson's I'll
Give You The Sun is just one of the most endearing, heartwearming,
but conflicting and complex dynamics I've ever encountered. Twin love!
Twin rivlary! Twin rifts and twin bonds. Jude-and-Noah have it all.
20. Favorite Book You
Read in 2015 From An Author You’ve Read Previously
Lexie: Much as I'm
trying not to answer every question with this title, this one has to go to Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. I liked the Grisha
trilogy (and it 'aged' well with me - I liked it more the more I thought about
it). But I loved this
new spinoff world in Six of
Crows. I loved Kaz,
Inej, Nina, Matthias, Wylan and Jesper. I loved Ketterdam.
I loved the premise
of six anti-hero lawbreakers committing The World's Greatest Heist. I just...
loved everything. In case I haven't made that clear the past six hundred and
seventy times I've mentioned it in the past three months.
Natalie: Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella. I've read her books before, having read Can You Keep a Secret, Confessions of a Shopaholic (only book 1) and I've Got Your Number, and I really enjoyed them! I was very curious to see about her new Young Adult story, so I picked it up. I loooooved it! I highly highly highly recommend this one, it's very cute.
21. Best Book You Read
In 2015 That You Read Based SOLELY On A Recommendation From Somebody Else/Peer
Natalie: To All The Boys I've
Loved Before by Jenny Han. So many times people would be like 'you've not
read that yet?'. Alright, alright. I finally read it and it was good! Not
impressed by book two, but what can you do.
Lexie: The only reason
I gave The
Wrath And The Dawn a chance was because my friend Tamara basically
glued it to my hands and sent me on my merry way. And while I had very little
to say about it other than "This is really good", I have since worked
out one particular strength which I will never stop praising. (Try and stop
me!) Alongside a few other authors, Renee Ahdieh has made Culturally Diverse
Fantasy a trend in 2015 - one which is still going strong and one which I hope
will only pick up steam with time.
22. Newest fictional
crush from a book you read in 2015?
Lexie: Anti-hero? Check.
Complex-and-we've-only-barely-scratched-his-surface? Check. Morally dubious?
Check. Really, a number of my beloved characters from 2015 fit this particular
criterion, but that one that really got under my skin (and won't leave - I've
even offered Nutella) is Rhysand from ACOTAR.
And given that the sequel takes place largely in the Night Court, of which he
is the lord and master... it's too fast for the human eye to catch, but I'm
bouncing really fast right now.
23. Best 2015 debut
you read?
Natalie: I only read two in 2015, and the best
one out of the two was The Intern by Gabrielle Tozer. It's
a book by an Australian author who writes a story about a girl who
interns at a fashion magazine. It reminded me of The Devil Wears Prada, but
it's not as similar as you'd think, although I've only seen the movie. It was a
fun book, and I love that it was set somewhere different, as I love reading
about countries other than either the U.K or the U.S.A. Makes a nice change!
Lexie: I have Cait to thank for this, really - Made You Up by
Francesca Zappia is one of those books that you can't believe are a debut. It's
what happens when Unreliable Narrator meets Mental Illness, they meet up with
Mysterious Circumstances, pick up Engaging Plot, and they all carpool to
Amazing Writing's place. Chances are the car has crashed, they're all drunk,
the pretzels are gone, and no one has thought to call AAA, but they're having
the time of their life on the side of the road - and so are we.
24. Best Worldbuilding/Most
Vivid Setting You Read This Year?
Lexie: The
Name of the Wind by Pat Rothfuss takes
the cake. And the Nutella. And all the coffee I have on hand. (Mean!) There's
precious little I can say without
spoiling a great deal of this whopper, but there's a reason this book is so
acclaimed (by both fans and critics),
and it isn't just the sexy, sexy cover.
Natalie: Hate to sound like a broken record but A Court of Thorns and Roses? I didn't read as many fantasy books as I'd hoped last year, so I don't have as many opions. 2016 is my year of more fantasy - and I'm darn well excited!
25. Book That Put A
Smile On Your Face/Was The Most FUN To Read?
Natalie: Weird
Things Customers Say In Bookshops by
Jen Campbell. This book is absolutely hilarious! It's a humour book about
all the very strange and absolutely ridiculous thing said in bookshops. It also
has illustrations, which makes it even better. I recommend this one if you want
cheering up!
Lexie: Would anyone be
surprised if I said The
Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan? No? Didn't think so. Percy
Jackson does sarcasm almost as well as Rick does sarcasm, and about as well as
we do sarcasm. So that's saying something. And I had the best of time with Rachel
Hawkins's Hex Hall trilogy,
which is one
part paranormal and three parts purposely-ridiculous. Not taking oneself
too seriously - it's a skill many have yet to acquire. But Rachel Hawkins's
protagonist have it in spades. And I love them for it.
26. Book That Made You
Cry Or Nearly Cry in 2015?
Lexie: I am unfortunately prone to the
waterworks. It's a secret talent. In fact, there are places on my head you can
touch to make me cry. (Not that I will tell you what they are.) I like to think
I've improved in these couple of years since I graduated high school, but I
still qualify for a circus sideshow. I pretty much had to be sedated at one
point in several books this year, most notably In The
Afterlight by Alexandra
Bracken, and If I Stay by Gayle Forman. I'd elaborate on
it, except spoilers. And also, I might cry.
27. Hidden Gem Of The
Natalie: I bought this one on a whim, and because the cover really
pleased my eyes. I picked up Night Owls by Jenn Bennett, and I thought the
story sounded very cute, and I was in the contemporary mood. I guess I lucked
out because this turned out to be a really enjoyable read! If you like art and
cute romance, I recommend this one.
Lexie: Made For You by Melissa Marr was my first foray into
YA thriller/mystery, and I think it deserves a lot more attention than it has
gotten. In case my beat-you-over-the-head-with-it review was unclear on that. I
suspect this is partly due to it being a very entertaining read, partly because
YA mystery is only just taking
off, and partly because muuuuuuurder.
(If you're sensing a theme with my favorites - you are 100% right and may
proceed to be concerned for me.)
28. Book That Crushed
Your Soul?
Lexie: The
Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas for obvious reasons
which are obvious. (To anyone who has read Throne
of Glass, at any rate.) In the midst of the ship-wars and the madness this
series has caused, it was both lovely and heartbreaking to return to the time before the events of the series and
experience the evolution of Celaena Sardothien. If only it hadn't come at such
a steep price. *blubbers*
29. Most Unique Book
You Read In 2015?
Natalie: Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon. It was certainly something different, as
it's about a girl who is allergic to everything. I've not read a book like this
before, so I'm putting that. Shame the "plot twist" was annoying, but
it was interesting to say the least.
Lexie: As a consummate coffee addict, I
absolutely loved Coffee
Gives Me Superpowers. Because - hello - it's an illustrated book about
coffee! When it turned out to be hilarious on top of informative, it just
exceeded all my expectations.
I've also read the
classics and poetry and graphic novels and writing craft nonfiction all manner
of unique books. 2015 was good to me.
30. Book That Made You
The Most Mad (doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t like it)?
Lexie: I can't quite describe the feeling I
had while reading Anna Todd's fanfiction-turned-published-work titled After. But I
think "mad" is the closest descriptor. Usually I try my utmost to
find a redeeming quality in a book, if only for others' sake. But in the case
of After, I could find
none. I felt it glorified an appallingly toxic and abusive dynamic. The
characters lacked even that one dimension that makes them, well, existent. They
were caricatures. There was no plot to speak of. And the fact that it lifted
whole paragraphs straight out of Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey did nothing to
redeem it in my eyes. And I read two books
(1270 pages total) in hopes it would improve, so I can safely say I gave it the
ol' college try.
Natalie: I would say Untamed by S.C. Stephens again, because of disappointment, but I'll instead say Avoiding Commitment by K.A. Linde. Don't even bother with this book, it was insulting and every single bad decision someone can ever make in one book. I DNF'd early due to annoyance and frustration.

1. New favorite book blog you discovered in 2015?
When we started out in
2014, we took the time to find our niche and then to hunt for other blogs with
similar interests. In 2015, we finally found them. And their incredible content
and support made us want
to do better in turn about 139%. So, without further ado:
2. Favorite review
that you wrote in 2015?
Lexie: For as ridiculous, long, bold and LOUD it is, my
favorite would probably have to be my
review of Six of Crows by
Leigh Bardugo, because it's one of those rare times when I sat down and
made myself actually review a new favorite. Usually my inner chicken
awkwardly-runs from such prospects.
Natalie: I'd say an early one from 2015, and that's my Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi review. It was such a fangirly review with some interesting use of pictures of gifs. I love going back and seeing myself get really excited over a series I love, that's always fun.
3. Best
discussion/non-review post you had on your blog?
Natalie: I think the 100 Things We've Learnt As A Book Blogger. It was fun to write and reading back, it's quite hilarious!
4. Best event that you
participated in (author signings, festivals, virtual events, memes, etc.)?
Natalie: Hands down, going to a Sarah J. Maas book signing in
London. I got to be in the presence of Queen Maas, and she
signed some of my books for her book tour of A
Court of Thorns and Roses in
May. I also had the chance to talk to her, but how the hell can I talk to her? I was shaking,
my voice was quivering, and I felt like I had to vomit. I was the image of
a nervous fangirl. I got a few words out, got my books signed and tried to
smile for a photo, but my face just says it all. I struggled to smile, so that
was embarrassing.
Lexie: Natalie going to a Sarah J. Maas
signing in London! (No, really - NOTHING happens where I live. But I live
vicariously through Natalie. And Twitter.)
5. Best moment of
bookish/blogging life in 2015?
Natalie: I think requesting Thoughtful by S.C. Stephens from Little Brown Book Group on
NetGalley. But not only getting it (and fangirling hard), but actually staying in
contact with them. They've been incredibly generous, and I'm still remembering
the day I got accepted. In case you didn't realise, I don't get accepted very
often. Getting Thoughtful early was something me and Lexie
would joke about because we
wished! It happened and it was glorious!
Lexie: I think by far my
favorite bookish moment was getting this particular comment. (I may have
whimpered a bit. You know. Respectably.)
I was also told by an author - on December 31st, no less, that, well...
(I may have whimpered a bit here, too. It was all very dignified.)
It isn't blogging or
strictly speaking bookish, but winning NaNoWriMo during the July Camp session
and then again in November for the main event felt the closest to I'm the king of the world one
can feel outside of a giant boat and a Celine Dion soundtrack.
Also, discovering so
many magnificent other
blogs which I now dutifully stalk made my whole blogging experience just
radically different and more spectacular. That is deserving of every special
mention out there.
6. Most challenging
thing about blogging or your reading life this year?
Lexie: I can't read and write. It's an
upsetting condition with no known cure, and I don't care for it. So having to
choose and prioritize one over the other was exactly zero fun. Because when you NaNoWriMo don't read - you also don't blog much.
The second big strain
was, of course, time. Not only is it challenging to find the time to commit to
this every single day on top of school/work/all other commitments we have, but
I tend to open a lot of comments/emails on my phone, which marks them as Read,
and then forget to reply to them when I have a spare moment to sit down at my
laptop. I'm 90 years old at 20, so I can't wait to see how I am at 90. Not that
I'll remember this.
Natalie: I think finding the time is the biggest challenge. I work full time, I also study English Literature at Open University in my spare time and I also try and fit my own life and reading in there. I also interned at a local publisher's too, so phew! Busy bee! Unless anyone's willing to pay me to blog, I have to schedule it around my life. I still love blogging though, it's not a chore to me.
7. Most Popular Post
This Year On Your Blog (whether it be by comments or views)?
Lexie: The most popular was my review of Anna
Todd's After, which
I've taken down a few days ago. While I never for a moment regretted
writing it, and while the feedback was 90% positive, it was a negative review. Of a book
which - for me - had no redeeming qualities, and which was unpleasant to read. So it was a bummer and a rant
through-and-through, and I frankly grew as tired of the review as I had been of
the book when I read it. So bye-bye. But we've had some wonderfully popular
posts this year, too - especially in recent months. And those we are only too
happy to shove in everyone's faces.
8. Post You Wished Got
A Little More Love?
Lexie: Once we discovered the book-bloggish
community, the book-bloggish community discovered us in turn. So everything
we've written recently has done really well, and I couldn't possibly be
happier. There used to be posts which got no comments and on which we had no
feedback. But, hermits that we were, it was our own fault. (We always stayed in
this blog and never went out to partay with other blogs like other kids did.) So I really couldn't
say. But I also never pay
attention to numbers. One comment is worth a thousand pageviews to me, and I
don't count the comments, either. It's just the sentiment that makes me happy.
And I am told that this is a good thing for a blogger, so I'm sticking to it.
Natalie: All of them? Haha, I'm just kidding. I'm fine with not getting a ton of views, I just enjoy blogging. It's fun, and it's nice to go back and read your own reviews and connect to other readers. Seeing that someone also enjoys the same books, agrees with my review or recommends something is always nice. Thanks to you all for coming to see our tiny little blog!
9. Best bookish
discover (book related sites, book stores, etc.)?
Natalie: I'd say Fandom of the Month is one of the things I found in 2015 that I love. If you're not aware or haven't seen any of my posts, it's a book box subscription but with a twist - it's fandom jewelry! If you're curious, come see some previous months I've reviewed. I recommend them if you want a box that's bookish but also affordable and good value for money.
Fandom of the Month tag
Fandom of the Month tag
Lexie: I am but a poor student with no income,
so I don't actually use them
at all, but I've
grown very fond of browsing the bookish section of RedBubble, Society6 and/or
Etsy. I was also gifted an OwlCrate on two occasions
by my friend Dennis (one of which is the January box which has yet to be
shipped out). Our wedding invitations will be shipped out next week (mine and
OwlCrate's, I mean). I also love,
love, love Booklr (the bookish Tumblr).
10. Did you
complete any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the
beginning of this year?
Lexie: I completed about as many as I failed. In our 2015 resolutions post of last year, I set out to read at least 80 books (complete), read more classics (I guess 4 is more than 0, so... win?), more graphic novels (3 is also more than 0), more Middle Grade (1>0!). I also set out to complete my 2014 NaNoWriMo draft (ha!). Why I didn't pledge to actually win another NaNoWriMo is beyond me. I could have won that one. And I also meant to finish/start long overdue books (TBR benchwarmers), in which I guess I was somewhat successful. So it could have sucked worse, but it still sucked pretty badly. Resolutions are not my friend.
Natalie: I didn't complete my reading challenge, thanks for reminding me. I was a bit short this year but I had a busy uni year as well as my work consuming my life. I also attempted NaNoWriMo (which I've also failed twice. I'm not good at these). BUT I WILL FINISH MY READING CHALLENGE THIS YEAR! And that's a promise! *punches the air Rocky-style*

1. One Book You
Didn’t Get To In 2015 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2016?
Oblivion | The Final Empire | Six of Crows | The Wrath And The Dawn | The Assassin's Blade | Cinder | The Sword of Summer

The Final Empire | Illuminae | The Demon King | Illusions of Fate | Ink and Bone | Night Film | The Accident Season
2. Book You Are Most
Anticipating For 2016 (non-debut)?

3. 2016 Debut You Are
Most Anticipating?
4. Series Ending/A Sequel You Are Most Anticipating in 2016?
Lexie: There's a myriad,
really. But the undisputed, absolute, hands-down most anticipated one is The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater. Its seven-month delay has wounded my
sooooul. And I couldn't even replace it, since it's mortgaged for a hope of an
Natalie: There isn't any coming out in 2016 I'm anticipating yet. A lot of the ones I enjoyed finished either in 2015 or before. I do have many series to dive into, though, so bring on the recommendations!
5. One Thing You Hope
To Accomplish Or Do In Your Reading/Blogging Life In 2016?
Natalie: Pick better books! 2015 wasn't my best reading year. I'm thinking of researching more and finding books more suited to my taste.
Lexie: Sneak enough subliminal messages into
our post to slowly brainwash and take over the world before the year is over.
But on a less-ambitious note, I really just want interaction. I hope I can find
sufficient time to interact with all these
amazing bloggers I've found, and I hope their input helps us improve in turn.
We'll need a council to delegate once we become Overlords, anyway.

And that'd be all from us, pumpkins! 2015 has treated us well, but 2016 is looking to treat us even better. We're arranging our TBRs, dusting off our reading jars and doing all those seemingly-adult responsible things which feed our occasional need for organization. We'll see how it goes. But we're tentatively hopeful.
What was your favorite bookish moment of 2015? What 2015 reads do you find yourself recommending the most? Leave us a comment below and let us know. And - as always - we're all over the social media, too.
*tackle-hugs you* When I eventually get round to doing this survey thingo, you guys are on my list as well <3 So glad to have discovered your snark. AND YOUR PHOTOS. *dies*
ReplyDeleteSo I'm really happy to see Aussie authors on your list <3 The Intern = bae. AHHH and I can't wait for ACOMAF. Although it doesn't sound QUITE as sophisticated as ACOTAR (just rolls off the tongue, that does).
*tackle-hugs you back* Yayyyy, we can't wait to read it! :D it wasn't easy to fill in, but we got there in the end! It'll be fun to read it back in a year's time.
DeleteYep, I really would love to read authors from other countries, I feel like the majority of popular one's are usually from the U.S, so it's always refreshing! I've been meaning to read On The Jellicoe Road, which I hear is an Australian author too. If you have any recommendations, let us know! I've been in search of some hidden gems :)
Oh man, ACOMAF will be EPIC AS F*CK. I'm super excited, we've been throwing so many theories around, but they're never as B.A as what Sarah writes. You're so right, the title isn't as smooth, but I'm hoping it's exciting and not too depressing *crosses fingers*
Thanks for stopping by! :D
SIX OF CROOOOOOOOWWWWWWWSSSSSSSS!!!!! Yes, yes and a little more yes. And please. Definitely one of my favorites of the year and I'm hardcore shipping all 3 couples as well. ALL THE COUPLES! Sarah J. Maas definitely sits atop my author favorites for this year too, I couldn't have loved Heir of Fire or a Court of Thorns of Roses more. I still need to read Queen of Shadows but I'm scared. She's so good at ripping my heart out and stomping on it (Um. Assassin's Blade anyone?), but I'm going to girl up and read it soon. I need more Maas.
ReplyDeleteTHE ASSASSIN'S BLADE WOUNDS NEVER HEAL! Time has apparently lost the battle to that one! *wails* But hey, SIX OF CROWS IS THERE TO CHEER US UP AND MAKE US HARDCORE ROOT FOR SO, SO MANY MARKEDLY DIFFERENT (and only slightly murderous) CHARACTERS! <3 For what it's worth, we both LOVED ACOTAR and Heir of Fire, and Queen of Shadows did NOT stomp viciously on our hearts. But that all depends on what you want to happen. I really only wanted to see one thing go down (and it wasn't romance-related), and that one thing DID go down in all its glorious splendor, and the rest were beautiful, magical cherries of deliciousness.
Delete- Lexie
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