"Laugh as much as you choose, but you will not laugh me out of my opinion." - Jane Austen (well, a Jane Austen character, but... that counts)
Unfortunately, sometimes the opinions we have are unpopular on top of laugh-inducing, and we are alone in the bookish wilderness, left to our own devices with nothing but those opinions to keep us company. (And you can't eat opinions. This is an excellent example of a universally agreed-upon opinion.) Every now and then, however, we'll stumble upon another soul outside of Popularopinionville, fending for themselves.
"You've been cast out, too?! I thought it was just me!"
They forge friendships in the wilderness, those unpopular opinions. Or at least they give you someone to eat if worse comes to worse. So in the name of individuality, hipsterdom and potential wilderness-partnership, this week for our top 10 list, we've compiled our 10 unpopular opinions (well, 5 each) which we feel precious few out there share.
If you're firmly in Popularopinionville, we beg that you not stone us.
If you're out in the wilderness, please let us know. We do so welcome the company.

1. I love to read paperbacks
Picked by: NatalieWhether it's just me admitting defeat where hardback prices are concerned (and that they're not that accessible here), or I actually do prefer them, I don't know. But I love paperbacks! And even though they look 'read', it shows that the book is loved. I don't want my bookshelf to look like a bookshop, I want it to look like a library! Floppy paperbacks are the best. Am I right? I know everyone else loves hardbacks, but they're just okay. I'm not really fussy, it's what's inside that counts.
2. I don't mind a slow-paced book
Picked by: LexieNo, really. For me it matters more that the pacing be consistent than that it be fast. A slow-paced books also leaves lots of room for character development, which tends to separate the okays from the greats for me. My arguably-favorite-living-author, Maggie Stiefvater, even admits to desiring to write fast-paced thrillers but always ending up with a slow, dreamlike pace, because of the effort she puts into characterization. And that's it. Pack my bags, I'm off to a book world. I hear bombs don't explode there every few hours, but the people are exhaustively intricate and I will probably want to marry/adopt/hug all of them. We can run from bombs in the interim.
3. I prefer short books to long books
Picked by: NatalieI'm not sure how unpopular this opinion is, but I love to get through a book quickly. Having a huge-ass book and knowing I have a lot more to get through, even though I'm enjoying it, is always quite daunting to me. I'm a slow reader, so you'll know the struggle if you're like me. Even a series as a short book is fine, like The Hunger Games series. They're quite small books, but so much is packed in there and it's so easy to fly through them. Not intimidating at all.
4. I don't mind love triangles
Picked by: Lexie
Now here's a caveat before I go into this - I rarely like
romance as a primary plot device. It's probably why I don't read too much romance. I do, however, thrive on romance as a minor, subtle, hinted-at subplot
in the background. I therefore don't mind if this subplot features three or
thirty-three people, as long as the actual writing and the (main) plot are
good. They carry the story for me. The rest are cherries on top. And, hey,
three cherries are better than two cherries. All I'm sayin'. (If the love
triangle, however, takes over the plot and causes horrendous drama, then - yeah
- that's a cherry liqueur overdose.)
5. I dislike John Green books
Picked by: Natalie
I really, truly tried. I've read three of his books and I just... can't get into them. If you like his style, go ahead and read them, but it's just not for me. I find John Green's writing to be too preachy and metaphysical. I am expecting some hate for this, but it's a matter of personal taste. We all have different opinions, hence why this is in the 'unpopular bookish opinions' post.
Disclaimer: I really like John Green as a person, his and Hank's Crash Course videos on YT have saved my life many times with university work. God bless you, Greens!
6. I live in fear of movie adaptations
Picked by: Lexie
Precious few things are as horrifying to me as hearing the movie option announcement. Stains on
books. Lost books. And destroyed books. That's about it. But the movie
adaptation clocks in at a high number four, and I am not a fan. I am very, very
much not a fan of movie adaptations. For every one that's done right, I've seen
fifty that just wounded my soooooul, and I don't like those odds, really. Don't
trifle with my favorite books, Hollywood. Step awaaaaay! (Guess who instigated
our post on the 10 Books We'd Rather Not See As Movies. Guess!)
7. I don't organise my bookshelf
Picked by: Natalie
This is partly due to laziness but also due to that it looks better. I love a messy bookshelf, it looks loved, used and homely. As stated before, I don't want it to look like a bookshop. When people organise by colours, as stunning and beautiful as it is, I wouldn't ever be able to find anything. To me, it would be a nightmare trying to find that one book. I only keep my series together, that's about it. So, for now, I'll stick with my organised-mess of a bookshelf. I know where things are, just like my messy bedroom!
This is partly due to laziness but also due to that it looks better. I love a messy bookshelf, it looks loved, used and homely. As stated before, I don't want it to look like a bookshop. When people organise by colours, as stunning and beautiful as it is, I wouldn't ever be able to find anything. To me, it would be a nightmare trying to find that one book. I only keep my series together, that's about it. So, for now, I'll stick with my organised-mess of a bookshelf. I know where things are, just like my messy bedroom!
8. I don't fancast books
Picked by: Lexie
I'll be the first to admit - books come with a hindrance of
rarely offering up a visual. We're left to our own devices. The place, the
characters, and just about everything is left purely to the imagination. And
this is where I feel like a large portion of the bookish community turn to
fancasts - finding celebrities to represent their characters. I get it. But I never do it. (This is a blanket never. I just never do it, truly.) If a writer is halfway decent, they'll succeed
in having me conjure up those places and faces in my head. And nothing outside
of it will never quite match. (My head is a mysterious, mysterious place full
of cobwebs and dragon lairs.) This, in fact, is probably some of my problem
with movie adaptations. I will, however, say that I tend to actively look for
visuals when I begin a story of my own. It won't be celebrities so much as
random people I find on Tumblr, though. I have no shame about this.
9. I prefer standalones to series
Picked by: Natalie*gasp!* Why? You want to know why? Because I'm super lazy, that's why. I will start a series and I'll be like 'Oh look, the last book is out in 4 months' and then I'll forget to read it. A year will pass and I'm remembering it like 'Hmm, that means I have to re-read the series agai- ah, forget it.'
I just never get around to the last book, so I just think that it's such a waste. I won't get the full story due to my laziness. I'm not a re-reader. I will read a series if it's complete though, so I don't have to wait and not forget the story. Get it all done in one. Yes!
10. I eat genres
Picked by: LexieWith the exception of erotica (and even this I gave a chance, but it really, really, really, really, really didn't work for me), I will devour anything if the premise is compelling enough. This probably shouldn't be an unpopular opinion - books are tasty morsels of deliciousness, my friends - but it often is, and I am sad. I'll happily read fantasy and contemporary and mystery and horror and thriller and sci-fi and - yes - even the dreaded classics. Most of these genres have really good rating averages for me, too (yes, even the dreaded classics). What can I say? I WANT TO KNOW ALL OF EVERYTHING! So, y'know. A lowkey goal to pursue in life.

We aren't here at the moment. We are currently cowering behind really large cacti in the wild, making sure that no one can hunt us down. But in our absence, feel free to leave us a comment and let us know how
HAHAH YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING. *ahem* And I'm with you on most of these! *tries to drag you out from behind that cacti* Except John Green. I adore his books and they make me cry and kind of helped grow my love for YA back in the dark ages when I didn't read it. :') So John Green 4EVA. <3
Also I like standalones for THAT EXACT REASON. Omg, series are exhausting. And I forgot everything while waiting 948398 years for the next book.
I also never fancast books. Probably because I don't watch a lot of movies and don't even know actors names or ANYTHING. So nada. Not workin' for me. Plus I don't actually visualise characters!??! So how can I cast them?
HAIIIIII, FRIEND! We will gladly vacate our cacti habitats for you! You'll be happy to know that we're mostly contrary on this ourselves. Natalie doesn't organize her bookshelf, or like John Green but I do. I don't mind a slow pace or the classics, but Natalie does. So one way or another, you agree with either of us on every point we made. And you are not alone in your John Green-ness. And we're alllllllll in agreement on fancasting. But we, too, don't watch a lot of movies or know many actors/actresses, so WHO WOULD WE EVEN CAST?
DeleteAnd ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY WRITE A BLOG POST WITHOUT WORKING IN MAGGIE STIEFVATER! Or at least one solid HP reference. You did both in one sentence! WE BOW TO YOU, MASTER!
- Lexie
Ha, I was expecting people to not agree with my John Green statement, but that's okay! There's no denying that he's made a huge impact and that he's popular. I wouldn't ever say to a new reader 'don't ever read this books' to someone who hasn't, but I'd say 'they're just not for me, but go give them a try' :)
DeleteMaybe one day he will write something I'll like and I might be won over! *gasp!*
Thanks for stopping by!
- Natalie
LOVE IT!!!! I'm a reader who lives for romance in her books, so love triangles drive me crazy, but I definitely live in fear of movie adaptations as well. I remember the day I became obsessed with Vampire Academy and I dreamed of Rose and Dimitri on the big screen. Then years later it actually happened and I wanted to cry. Tears of horror, not joy. I've tried to erase that movie from my memory, but it still haunts me ;-)
ReplyDeleteFantastic post ladies!!!!
RIP, our hopes for a decent Vampire Academy movie. They were so high. And they were brought so low. (I was actually halfway through VA when it came out and I never continued with the series. I can't get those awful visuals out of my head now. SOMEONE MAKE ME!)
DeleteThank you very, very much, Jenny. You're always an inspiration.
- Lexie
I have mixed feelings about love triangles and John Green's books (I loved TFIOS, but not so much Paper Towns, and definitely not Looking for Alaska. I agree with the CrashCourse sentiment, though.) I am a perfectionist, so I alphabetize my books, but that is just a personal thing. Whatever works for you! I'm always terrified that people will completely ruin everyone's perception of a book through movie adaptations and the whole fancast thing makes no sense to me. I would rather make up the world using my imagination and the author's description than random movie stars. Thanks for the great post!
ReplyDeleteCrashCourse is the greatest thing since books and chocolate, and I basically LIVE inside the CC YouTube channel half the time. <3 While Natalie dislikes John Green and bookshelf organizing, I do both, so you're never alone in any opinion with us. :) And you described EXACTLY how we feel about fancasts! A million times yes!
DeleteThank you very much for the comment, Aubrey.
- Lexie
YES TO ALL OF THESE. I completely agree with you both 110%. While I definitely prefer action-packed books, I don't really dislike slow books, as long as they still manage to be entertaining. And I don't mind love triangles either, as long as they're necessary to the story and well-written. If a book has a love triangle for no reason, or the author thinks adding a love triangle will help cater it to YA readers, that's when I don't like them. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post! ♥
ReplyDeleteIntroducing a love triangle to "appeal to the teeny-bopper YA audience" is, in my mind, an equivalent of being slapped across the face with a glove and challenged to a duel to the death. EN GUARDE! But I've read many books where people complained about a love triangle I never even noticed, because - guys - that wasn't what the book was about. They aren't ALWAYS the offensive, angry duelist from the 19th century, just... sometimes.
DeleteThank you very much for the comment, Zoe.
- Lexie
I PREFER READING PAPERBACKS AS WELL. Only because hardbacks are so bulky and awkward to read. But they DO look lovely on the shelf. *gazes lovingly at shelves*
ReplyDeleteAnd I do like John Green books. Not as much as I used to - it's been four years since TFIOS came out, after all (whaaaaat) and I'm not quite the same fourteen-year-old (let's all have a prayer of thanks).
I went through a classics phase at one point. It wasn't particularly horrendous.
I'm SO GLAD it's not just me! :D I absolutely agree, they are bulky, and I love it when paperbacks just...flop open.
DeleteYeah, do we go for how amazing they are on the shelf or how easy they are to read? We only read it for a short time, but it's on the shelf longer.. tough choice!
Haha, that's understandable about John Green. It does make me wonder if I'd rate some of the books I read years a go any different if I read them now. I don't dislike HIM, but his books just aren't my cup of tea. He honestly seems like a top bloke :)
Ah, TFIOS yeah it's been out so long now, and it's so funny that you can get about 600 different versions of it.
Oh nice! Well, if you went through a phase of classics, maybe you have some you can recommend to someone who wants to get into it? Like, a starter book?
Thanks for stopping by!
- Natalie
ReplyDelete1. I LOVE PAPERBACKS TOO!!! I own so many more paperbacks than hardbacks. They are cheaper. They weigh less. They take up less room. They are easier to hold. I LOVE THEM!!! But hardbacks are very pretty. I get a mix of both now.
2. Me either, depending on the book. Sometimes a slower pace is utter perfection <3
3. ME TOO. If it's 400+ then I feel like running away screaming rather than reading it. GO AWAY DAUNTINGLY LARGE BOOK!!!
4. I'm not really a love triangle fan most of the time. It is too overdone now.
5. YES!!! I love him as a person and his videos. Don't really understand the fuss when it comes to his books. None of his teenage characters feel like real people.
6. ME TOO. ME TOO!!! It has been years and years and years but I still can't think of The Golden Compass movie without cringing!
7. Mine is not organised in any way that any other human being would be able to find anything. I keep series together. I have a few shelves for favourites. A whole shelf just for Harry Potter. Then I mostly just keephardbacks together and paperbacks. I have 7 bookshelves though, which is 42 individual shelves to try and organise... NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!
8. ME EITHER!!! I never do this. I hate when people ask my opinion or ask for my dream cast. I don't do this ever. I tried once for a Top Ten Tuesday post and failed horribly.
9. Okay.... I love both. I love getting hooked on a series and following a set of characters over numerous books. But standalones work just as well for me.
10. I'll try any genre if I like the sound of the book :) I even tried an erotica after someone recommended it... It was painful to read and I'm never going back haha
Thank you soooooooooo much for this comment, Charnell. MIGHT WE BE LONG-LOST TWINS, PERCHANCE?!
DeleteAREN'T HUGE BOOKS SCARY? I completed my reading goal in November, so I resolved to read nothing but GIANT books in December, and it was MODERATELY TERRIFYING. A friend tried to hand me the Kingkiller Chronicles and I ran away and hid behind the sofa. I'm pretty sure they'll be included in the next edition of Clue. "Mrs. White killed Mr. Body in the library WITH A GIANT BOOK!"
GOD, THE GOLDEN COMPASS! Oh my god! I forgot about that! IT'S ALL COMING BACK NOW, IN A SWIRL OF CRINGE AND AWFUL! GET AWAAAAAAAY! (WHY does Hollywood do this, WHY? I LOVE Nicole Kidman normally! It could have worked out so well! WHY?!)
I have a separate shelf for just Harry Potter, too! ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY BOOKSHELF WITHOUT HARRY-POTTER BOOKSHELFING!
And we ALSO tried a fancast top 10 once when we first started blogging, and we also failed dismally. We also tried doing Top 10 Love Triangles and failed dismally, despite neither of us minding them that much. Turns out you can't pick favorites when you don't do it (fancast) or don't pay attention to it (love triangles). Oops. Live and learn!
Series are ENTIRELY TOO WONDERFUL and standalones are ENTIRELY TOO WONDERFUL and if someone forced me to choose or to stick to just one, I'd BURY THEM UNDER MY JOINT PILES OF SERIES AND STANDALONES. Then I'd feed them erotica and run awaaaaaaaay with all mah lovelies!
- Lexie
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