It's the first In My Mailbox post of 2016! Yep, I've been book shopping again, and I've actually had two rounds of book buying since the New Year but thought I'd put them into one post. Saving the blog environment over here! #StopTheBlogSpamming Anyway, I've had some days when I've b…
Read moreIn the past year, a Would-You-Rather tag has been making rounds around the bookish blogosphere (and especially the vlogosphere). You may have heard of it. You may have seen it. You may have tried to film yourself answering it, only to find that you're fifty-seven kinds of awkward in front of a camera, then promp…
Read moreIn these decidedly bookish places of the internet, we discuss adaptations incessantly. Books are being optioned for the big screen. Books are being optioned for TV. Books are adapting old books into retellings for a new generation. Comics are adapted into novels. Graphic novels are adapted into series. We really …
Read moreWhen high-school senior Noah Gallagher and his adopted teenage sister, Lo, go to live with their grandmother in her island cottage for the summer, they don’t expect much in the way of adventure. Noah has landed a marine biology internship, and Lo wants to draw and paint, perhaps even to vanquish her struggles wit…
Read moreIf there's a bookish equivalent of a blanket fort, it's the Comfort Zone. It's that genre we dash to when things get dicey in other genres. It's the age category which best suits whatever age we think we are inside. It's a fortification of pillows and plush and wool where nothing can hurt us. …
Read moreKicked out of ballet academy and straight into a school ski trip, Mouse knows certain classmates can't wait to see her fall flat on her face. Meanwhile, Jack looks forward to danger and girls, but hasn't a clue about either. That's until French teen sensation Roland arrives in the resort - who Jack&#…
Read moreHello, my fellow book loving friends! It's that time of the month - the good kind - where I get to open my monthly goodness from Fandom of the Month. *squee!* Before I received this one, I already knew what the theme was, and I was a very, very, very happy girl! Want to know more? Well, you'll have to …
Read moreWith casual readers, "I like romance" is enough of an identifier. They're steered toward the romance section and encouraged to pick at random. Or what's on sale. Or Twilight. But with seasoned, hardcore bookdragons, "I like romance" is A TERM FOR PLEBES. "I dislike romance" falls…
Read moreWhile out hunting one day, Han and his Clan friend, Dancer, discover three young wizards using a magical amulet to set fire to the sacred mountain of Hanalea. Han wrestles it from them, but without realising that his heroism has put him and his family in great danger. For the young arsonist is Micah Bayar, son of…
Read moreSoldier… Sorcerer… Savior… Who is Vhalla Yarl? Vhalla Yarl marches to war as property of the Solaris Empire. The Emperor counts on her to bring victory, the Senate counts on her death, and the only thing Vhalla can count on is the fight of her life. As she grapples with the ghosts of her past, new challenges in…
Read moreSometimes the bookish comfort zone is a difficult thing to escape. At times we all find that we tend to stick to the same genres and read the same stories over and over again. But this being the new year and all, the time is ripe for a change. But where to start? Y ou've come to the right place. Please, take a…
Read moreA library apprentice, a sorcerer prince, and an unbreakable magic bond... The Solaris Empire is one conquest away from uniting the continent, and the rare elemental magic sleeping in seventeen-year-old library apprentice Vhalla Yarl could shift the tides of war. Vhalla has always been taught to fear the Tower of…
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